Reader Views Praises Waking Isabella—A Story of Italy, History, and Intrigue

Waking Isabella” Reviewed by Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views

Earlier this week, I received an email from Sheri Hoyte letting me know that she had reviewed Waking Isabella for Reader Views. With great excitement, I clicked the link, eager to read her thoughts on my newly published novel set in Arezzo, Italy.

Writing a novel is a deeply personal journey—one that consumed me for over a year. Finally releasing it into the world is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Readers may never fully grasp the countless hours spent crafting, designing, re-writing, and refining every detail of the story. But as an author, I can only hope my characters and the world I’ve created will resonate with those who read it.

So, as I read Sheri’s review, I couldn’t help but let out a whoop of joy—tears even glistened in my eyes. She truly understood and connected with the themes I had hoped to convey. Knowing that I touched a reader in this way is incredibly rewarding.

Sheri’s thoughts?

“Waking Isabella is a must-read for all fans of Italy, history, romance, and intrigue. Eccellente!”

A heartfelt thank you to Sheri for this wonderful 5-star review—you’ve made this author’s day! Mi hai rallegrato la giornata!

I include the full review here for you to read and enjoy!

Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views — Melissa Muldoon delivers an enchanting story set in Arezzo, Italy about love, intrigue, mystery, traditions, and art in her latest novel, “Waking Isabella.”

Leonora (Nora), a young research assistant who is at a crossroads in her life, travels to Italy to film a documentary on 16th Century Italian princess, Isabella de Medici.  Fascinated with the history surrounding the princess, Nora hopes to uncover some of the mystery surrounding her tragic death, and a painting of Isabella and her mother that has been missing for decades. There is also the rumor of Isabella’s ghost to consider.

While in Italy, Nora reunites with an old friend and meets several new ones. Of particular interest is Gianluca (Luca) Donati, owner of an antique business that has been in his family for generations. When Luca shares details about his ancestor’s participation in smuggling famous artwork out of the country during WWII, Nora’s research takes her down yet another path, exploring the life of Margherita, Luca’s grandmother. Muldoon magically weaves together the lives of Nora, Isabella and Margherita, spanning the course of many centuries, into a story that will mesmerize and haunt readers long after the last page is read.

All in all, I would say “Waking Isabella” by Melissa Muldoon is a must-read for all fans of Italy, history, romance, and intrigue. Eccellente!

As a big fan of Melissa Muldoon’s since reading her debut novel, “Dreaming Sophia,” I could not wait to dive into “Waking Isabella.” The author has such a unique voice you can feel her personality in every sentence.  Her writing is magical, as she incorporates her distinctive style through various methods. She eloquently takes the reader from the past to the present and back again with seamless delivery. She transitions from real-time drama to bits of fantasy through almost dream-like sequences. She delivers historical references and tells of lasting traditions that drive you to want to learn more, and exhibits a contemporary voice through her protagonists, all the while weaving bits of Italian into the dialogue. I’ve read books where intermingling languages actually took me out of a story—but not so in “Waking Isabella,” where the words flow harmoniously together, further adding to the author’s individuality and voice.

The characters are intriguing, versatile, and genuine. At the onset of the story readers are drawn inside Isabella’s character, all at once capturing the essence of her free spirit and strength in light of the heartbreaking end to her short life. Protagonist Nora’s character grows impressively with the story as she pushes through her fears with courage and determination to reinvent herself and follow her dreams.

The characters are intriguing, versatile, and genuine. At the onset of the story readers are drawn inside Isabella’s character, all at once capturing the essence of her free spirit and strength in light of the heartbreaking end to her short life. Protagonist Nora’s character grows impressively with the story as she pushes through her fears with courage and determination to reinvent herself and follow her dreams. Supporting characters are equally portrayed with authenticity and it is an exciting spin inside their heads.

It’s apparent “Waking Isabella” required extensive research, though it certainly feels like a labor of love. Muldoon’s passion for Italy is evident and I really enjoyed the addition of the last few pages of the book where she provides information distinguishing the facts from the fictional parts of the story. I found these tidbits the perfect way to wrap things up, inviting and encouraging the reader to learn more about the historical period, if so driven. All in all, I would say “Waking Isabella” by Melissa Muldoon is a must-read for all fans of Italy, history, romance, and intrigue. Eccellente!

Read the novel that was inspired by Arezzo, the Giostra and the Antique Fair!

Il risveglio di Isabella

Waking Isabella has been translated into Italian

Waking Isabella è una storia che parla di scoprire la bellezza nascosta che, nel tempo, è stata persa, cancellata o soppressa. Intreccia anche diverse storie d’amore così come alcuni misteri. Nora, una ricercatrice assistente, è un catalizzatore per risolvere il puzzle di un dipinto che è scomparso per decenni. Ambientato ad Arezzo, una piccola città toscana, il plot si svolge sullo sfondo del commercio antiquario della città e del clamore e della pompa della sua festa medioevale dei tornei. Mentre filma un documentario su Isabella de’ Medici – la principessa rinascimentale uccisa dal marito – Nora inizia a connettersi con le vite di due donne straordinarie del passato. Svelando le storie di Isabella, la figlia di un duca toscano del quindicesimo secolo, e Margherita, una giovane ragazza che cerca di sopravvivere alla guerra nell’Italia occupata dai nazisti, Nora inizia a mettere in discussione le scelte che hanno plasmato la sua vita fino a quel momento. Mentre lo fa, una bellezza nascosta si risveglia profondamente dentro di lei e scopre le chiavi della sua creatività e felicità. È una storia d’amore e inganno, falsi e capolavori – il tutto unito dal fascino e dall’intrigo di un bellissimo fantasma toscano.

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