Today, just for fun… let’s go a little art hysterical!
SmARTalec — SmartyArt Cartoons
Finding Humor in Art: A Lighter Side to the Masters
It’s time for a little levity in art! These days, we could all use a good dose of laughter, and what better way to find it than through the playful, unexpected, and often hilarious side of artistic expression?
Did you know that art doesn’t have to be a dry, intellectual exercise filled with endless facts and historical footnotes? Quite the opposite! Art has always had room for wit, satire, and humor, and some of the most clever and entertaining parodies are based on masterpieces created by the great artists of history.
Whether it’s a reimagined Mona Lisa, a playful twist on a classic Rubens, or a modernized take on a Renaissance fresco, artistic humor transcends time and knowledge. If you’re an art historian, the references will have you chuckling with delight—but even if you can’t tell a Renoir from a Rembrandt, you’ll still get the joke. Because at its core, art is about expression, and sometimes, the best way to appreciate it is with a smile.
“I think you know everybody.”
Fun Cocktail Fact: Origins of the word “Smart-alec”
Smart-alec is defined in the dictionary as smarty-pants, smart-ass, and derives from the 19th “Smart + Alec,” a diminutive of the given name Alexander.
Research done by Professor Gerald Cohen in 1985 for “Studies of Slang Part 1,” as well as research by other historians, has shown that “Alec” was probably a real person, namely Alec Hoag. He was a clever man who, back in the 1840s tricked people out of money using his keen wit and clever insights into social behaviors. He and people like him were given the nickname “Smart Alec” by the police for being too smart for his own good. Hence the phrase—“Don’t be a Smart Alec”—was invented.
Let’s take a look at some SmARTalec takes on art!
If this doesn’t brighten your day and put a smile on your face… I don’t know what will! Here is a series of parodies featuring the ever-delightful Mr. Bean rendered in some of the world’s most famous paintings.
Let’s take a look at some “SmARTY-pants jokes!
Yours in smART history!
Be sure to share this post with someone who needs a little smARTY Art today!
In the comments box below, let me know your favorite parodies and if you recognized the paintings and artists that are being poked fun of!