
Zucchero is a contemporary Italian singer. In 2017 he will be continuing with his Black Cat 2o17 World Tour. The singer is featured in the novel Dreaming Sophia by Melissa Muldoon. The character of Sophia, although not a great singer, given the right beat, tune, and Italian singer has been known to belt out a song or two. A particular favorite “cantante” or singer of hers (as well as mine) is Zucchero.

In the novel “Dreaming Sophia” I introduce the singer and his music. In a scene in which Sophia and Lorenzo are driving together, they serenade one another when they hear Zucchero’s song “I Got the Devil in Me.”

When a familiar song by Zucchero started playing on the radio, Lorenzo began tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. Soon I, too, was swaying to the music, that sounded like American blues infused with Italian words. I hummed along, as the singer crooned in a voice like oak-aged whiskey, about his restless soul and an angel who had awakened the devil inside him.

When the chorus repeated, Lorenzo, looking rather devilish himself in his dark sunglasses, grinned at me and we began to sing off-key: Your eyes hypnotize me…your lips tantalize me…You shook my very soul…baby, I find myself in love with you…I’ve got the Devil in me now!

Zucchero in Italian means “sugar” and of course it is a stage name. I read somewhere that he acquired this nickname from his elementary teacher who used to call him that. In vita vera — in real life — his name is Adelmo Fornaciari. His music is greatly inspired by gospel, soul, blues, and rock music.

Zucchero is currently making a World Tour for his new album “Black Cat.” He started his tour in 2016 in Italy and Europe and has just jumped the pond and will be making several stops here in America. 

In March he will be swinging by San Francisco and I just got my tickets. I can’t wait! The last time I saw Zucchero in concert, was about six years ago. It was the most incredible thing because he performed at a little honky-tonk country-western bar right here in my hometown of Fremont. It’s a place called The Saddle Rack where people with cowboy boots and hats go on a Saturday night to line dance. This particular evening, however, the place was packed with Italian ex-pats who came from all over the peninsula and Silicon Valley to hear one of Italy’s iconic stars perform. As luck would have it, just as I was arriving at the door Zucchero happened to be stepping out of his limo. We practically bumped into one another. Inside the bar, because it was such a small venue, I and my Italian friends were spitting distance away from him. We had a lot of fun that night, dancing and singing along with Zucchero’s band. He put on quite a lively show.

This year the venue is a tad bigger. Americans may have finally figured out who Zucchero is!

You can read up on Zucchero’s discography here 

Baila Morena


Il mare impetuoso al tramonto

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